This past Friday June 1st, I completed my first year of high school at Academy of the Holy Cross in Kensington Maryland. Over this past school year I made many new friends and learned a lot from my teachers. Though a stressful year it was full of new experiences that have developed me into more of a well rounded person. I joined student council as the treasure of our ninth grade class. We helped to not only plan fun events like dances and mixers, but also organize donation collections for natural disasters, LLS, little sisters of the poor and much more. I also joined Onyx club where we talked about many of the incidents in society involving racism and discrimination. As a community we organized walk outs for school shootings, and sent videos and letters of support to those affected by the school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL. The biggest thing I learned in my first year of high school is how to balance my life of playing varsity basketball, keeping my grades up, but also staying involved in the world that I live in. I really enjoyed my freshman year and plan to grow even more in my sophomore year. As we approach the summer I hope that everyone has fun and enjoys there break, but remembers to give back to the community and do something to help others no matter how big or small!
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