Diversity is a range of different things, but when we think about diversity we often minimize it to race. We don’t recognize the many ways in which individuals alone and individuals within a group are diverse. For that reason I decided to join the diversity committee at Holy Child, to be apart of the reason why diversity is recognized within the individual as well within a group. The diversity committee is mainly focused on helping to diversify the Holy Child community, but we speak on the diversity or lack there of in specific places, and parts of the world, as well as different areas within our society. The little things about you make a big impact on who your are and help build an overall picture of the person that people see when interacting with you. At Holy Child the diversity within the race and socioeconomics are not as great as we hope they will be in the future, but we are still very diverse within our differences, likes, and areas of expertise. I look forward to an amazing year at Holy Child as a new member of the diversity committee!
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